As you get older perhaps you’ve started to notice that your brain isn’t what it used to be. It can be difficult to remember simple things, and even more difficult to remember more complex things.
However, the more that we exercise our brains, the more that we can preserve our memory well into our older years. The truth is that it’s never too late to get started sharpening your mind. Here are some of the best tips to keep your memory sharp and functioning at its best.
Find Hobbies and Passions
One of the leading reasons why senior citizens start to enter a mental decline is because they tend to isolate themselves more than they did in their younger years. It’s crucial that you get out into the world by finding hobbies and passions that keep you excited and active.
Why not start a DIY project? It’s often as simple as finding a plywood supplier and building a cabin. You’d be surprised how much projects can keep our brains in their top form. Don’t be afraid to try different passions out to find one that really sticks.
Stay Active
Staying active does more than just keep your heart healthy and your body strong. Recent studies have shown that people who regularly exercise have better cognitive functions than people who don’t. When you exercise your blood flows throughout your body and as such, flows to the brain. When you get enough blood flow in your brain, it will function at its best.
Exercise doesn’t always have to mean joining a gym, either. Exercise can be something as simple as taking a brisk walk for 20 minutes a day, or something low-impact like swimming. Find something that you enjoy, and try to do it every day. The more consistent you can be about engaging in regular physical activity, the more you will benefit from it.
Have you ever noticed after a late night with very little sleep it’s very hard for you to concentrate or remember details? Sleep has a significant impact on the way our brain functions. The more sleep you can get, the more your brain will thank you for it.
Sleep experts recommend getting a minimum of six hours of sleep a night and Ideally more on the higher end of seven or eight. If you have trouble getting to sleep at night, consider starting a stricter bedtime routine. Limit your screen time, and try to avoid caffeine after mid-afternoon.
Eat a Proper Diet
Did you know that a diet lacking essential nutrients can significantly impact your brain’s performance? Make sure that you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and above all, plenty of protein. Proteins like fish are full of omega-3 fatty acids which are linked to memory performance.
Life a Stress-Free Lifestyle
Stress can have a substantial effect on our brain’s ability to retain information. When we’re in panic mode, it’s hard for us to focus, let alone retain information. If you live an extremely high-stress lifestyle, consider finding ways to reduce your stress exposure.
For some people that might mean a career change, while for other people it may be something as simple as meditating regularly. Ultimately, whatever you can do to decrease your stress levels, the better your memory will function over time.