There are numerous situations in which someone might suffer a traumatic brain injury. For those who might not know, a traumatic brain injury takes place when a blow to the head leads to either a temporary or permanent manner in which the brain processes information. The brain is a complex neural network that distributes motor commands to the rest of the body while receiving sensory input from the body’s nerves regarding temperature, pressure, and pain. It is critical for people who suffer a traumatic brain injury to receive treatment as quickly as possible. One of the long-term complications of a traumatic brain injury could be dementia.
Dementia is a disease that robs someone of their ability to think, remember, judge situations, and process information. One of the most well-known forms of dementia is called Alzheimer’s Disease. This disease is one of the leading causes of death among elderly individuals and is known for leading to memory loss. Those who suffer a traumatic brain injury could be at an increased risk of developing this disorder and other forms of dementia. For example, players in the NFL could develop a disorder called CTE which could lead to dementia if they are exposed to repeated concussions, one of the most common types of traumatic brain injuries. Medical research has consistently shown that those who suffer one or more traumatic brain injuries are at an increased risk of developing multiple types of dementia. For this reason, it is important for everyone who suffers a traumatic brain injury to receive medical care as quickly as possible.
There are numerous reasons why someone might suffer a traumatic brain injury. As alluded to above, sports can lead to concussions, particularly contact sports such as football, soccer, and lacrosse; however, there are other situations in which someone might suffer a traumatic brain injury. This includes physical altercations, car accidents, and even slip and fall accidents. Those who suffer a traumatic brain injury need to make sure they seek medical care as quickly as possible. The sooner a traumatic brain injury is treated, the better chance someone has of making a full recovery.
In addition, those who suffer a traumatic brain injury might be faced with large medical bills. While many people have health insurance, there are still significant out of pocket expenses they might have to endure. This could come in the form of copays, co-insurance, deductibles, and lost income. It is critical for everyone to note that there are trained professionals who can help people find avenues for financial compensation following a traumatic brain injury that could help them pay these medical bills. Nobody should have to face this situation alone.