Becoming a nurse will take special diligence and a great deal of work. The tips below can help you gear up, learn effectively and build technical knowledge that will serve you in your career.
Stethoscope, Scrubs, and More: Must-Have Gear for Nursing Students
Every nursing school likely has a garment protocol that you will need to follow. Once you’re accepted and you have your start date, find out where you’re expected to get your gear and what style you should wear while in school. Shop for your stethoscope and any head-coverings from recommended retailers.
Now is the time to start looking for sales and discounts on scrubs. If your school doesn’t require a particular color for student nurses, visit local big box stores to see what scrubs they offer. Scrubs can take a lot of abuse and may need detailed laundering. You need color-fast fabrics with breathability and give.
While you do your best to save on scrubs, make sure that you spend what’s needed on shoes. You’ll be on your feet for many hours as a nurse, and you’ll need a good foundation for lifting patients, bending and stretching. Top quality shoes for your nursing career can safe you a lot of pain.
Technology in Nursing Education: Embracing Digital Aids and Resources
Medical technology, both in training and in patient care, is expanding at a rapid rate. While you study for your nursing degree and any additional certifications, make sure you are becoming comfortable on a variety of platforms.
Mastering medical technology as a student means that you will be able to more easily manage the technology you need to provide quality clinical care. Legal ramifications must also be considered; HIPAA regulations and other privacy concerns must be taken into account as you build your technical skills.
Study Essentials: Tips for Organizing Notes, Using Reference Books, and Time Management
Nurses are busy. As a student, you will likely need to combine classwork and clinical work for an extended period of time as you gain your degree and your certifications. Now is the time to build organization skills through note-taking and memory triggering.
As you travel from class to class and clinical to clinical, get in the habit of noting important points. When you get home from school, review your notes. If you’re a visual learner, try to bring up the scene in which you took the note. What was happening? Who was the patient? What was their concern? Flesh out your notes to anchor the memory. The next time you see that patient, you’ll have an easier time remembering their condition and concerns.
If you’re an auditory learner, make a list of terms that relate to your notes. Perhaps the patient was an elderly male with a heart condition. Your list might include terms like “pulse, oxygen level, edema” and other terms that must be considered when someone is in cardiac distress. The next time you see this patient, you’ll know what to look for.
The proper gear, technical knowledge and study habits will make nursing school much simpler as you advance in your training. With a solid base of knowledge, new skills will be easier to add.