Life is all about stages, we start out learning about this strange world we live in, and our role in the bigger picture, and as we move into adulthood, we soon reach our peak, when mind and body are in tune. Generally speaking, once a person reaches the magical 50-year milestone, it is time to stop taking good health for granted, as ageing begins to show physical signs, and with that in mind, here are some aspects of your health you need to monitor when you reach half a century.
- Heart Disease – Once you are 50 years of age, you should have an annual heart check-up, which would reveal any issues. Of course, you should have a balanced diet and exercise daily, and your heart check-up can be a part of an overall annual health check, which everyone over the age of 50 should have.
- Mammogram for Women – It is recommended that you have a mammogram every year when you reach the age of 50, and with bulk billing X-Ray services from your local radiologist, this is affordable. Bulk billing means including all scans and X-Rays that are required for a comprehensive health check into a single bill, thus saving you money.
- Skin Cancer – Australia has more sunshine hours per year than most other countries, and that means having skin cancer screening tests every couple of years. Early detection is the key to halting skin cancer, and with tests every two years, or earlier, you will have peace of mind. This is especially important if you are a son lover who spends a lot of time outdoors.
- Memory – A lot of research has been carried out into causes of Alzheimer’s and Dementia, and this tells us that people who use their brains are less likely to suffer from memory-related conditions. It might be the daily crossword, or any other quiz type activity, something that makes you think, and if you make this part of your daily routine, you are doing what you can to reduce the risk of memory disorders affecting you in later life.
- Prostate Cancer for Men – All men are advised to have the simple blood test that looks for the tell-tale signs of prostate cancer, and if you are over 50, this should be part of your annual health check.
- Exercise – The older we get, the more we need to utilise our body, and for the over 50s, lack of exercise can be the cause of ailments. Of course, if you are active by nature, this will not apply to you, but if you are a person who doesn’t go out much, you should create an exercise routine for the morning and evening. It is essential to work all the major muscle groups and there are many great YouTube videos that you can follow.
Once you reach that magical 50, it is time to monitor your health, which you can no longer take for granted, and this will hopefully ensure you remain fit and healthy as you approach retirement.