5 Tips for Planning a Vacation for Someone With Memory Loss

If you or a loved one is suffering from memory loss, it may advance to the point of disrupting one of the few pleasant breaks in life. A vacation is supposed to be a stress-free time to focus on the things you enjoy the most. Let’s consider the top 5 tips for planning a vacation for someone with memory loss below:

1: Find Private Lodging

When your loved one suffers from memory loss, it is usually better to find places with a greater level of privacy. Cabins, bed and beakfasts, and resorts that allow you to spend time together without the hassle of everything else going on in the world are best.

Nowadays, you can rent just about any type of property for a few days and have it all to yourself. Avoiding hotels and routes that lead to confusion will mitigate any memory problems that your loved one may experience.

2: Stick to Familiar Foods

When a loved one is suffering from memory loss, they may find comfort in familiar foods that remind her of home. Some people with severe memory loss may forget how they wound up somewhere altogether. By ensuring that the foods they eat are familiar favorites, they are less likely to be afraid and stressed out by the experience.

3: Store Memories in Images

If your loved one is suffering from memory loss, they may not remember all the highlights of the vacation. Taking a digital camera or video recorder along for the trip will help them recall what they did and why they enjoyed the trip.

Bringing photos or videos of prior experiences will also remind them of their family and friends. Building familiarity with the new environment by blending in elements of the past will help them adjust comfortably.

4: Create a Day Planner

If your loved one is traveling alone and only suffers from mild memory impairment, they may be able to get by with some scheduling. By creating a day-planner schedule to load the vacation with events that the person decides upon beforehand, it will be easier to manage any memory-loss issues. The day planner should have all the itineraries arranged in advance to minimize any unexpected changes.

5: Bring Favorite Items

If your loved one is traveling, bring their favorite items with you. If they have a favorite blanket or coffee mug that they use every day, stick it in your bag so they will still have a small comfort from home. It’s also smart to pack the toiletries and hygiene items that they use at home so they will be familiar with those items as well.

Memory issues manifest in a wide range of severity and can affect unexpected aspects of a vacation. While losing your hotel key card is a slight inconvenience, getting lost in a strange city or forgetting where you stayed may be cause for alarm. Always be sure that your loved one is prepared for any trip by gauging the severity of their memory loss. Be sure to see a specialist if you are unsure how much chaperoning is necessary.