A study recently published in the National Library of Medicine states that CBD “has been shown to elicit neuroprotective activity.” In plain language, that means CBD may be an effective supplement people can use to improve their memory and cognitive functions.
Another study completed in 2016 at California’s Salk Institute found that CBD could help reduce dementia by increasing the connections between brain cells.
CBD is an extract of cannabis. It is available in a variety of forms, both with and without THC. The latter is the psychoactive substance that produces the “high” that is well-known for using cannabis in various forms. For people who don’t want to “get stoned,” taking CBD is a way to get the benefits of memory & cognitive improvement without the high.
For those interested in using CBD to improve memory, here are three tips and guidelines for getting the best results.
1. Choose a Form Best for You
The popularity of CBD has led manufacturers to come out with a wide array of CBD products in many forms. Some of them are tinctures (drops or nasal sprays), tablets, vaping pens, pills, gel cap, and other edible forms, such as gummies. CBD even comes in the form of topical creams for rubbing on the skin. It also is available as a tea.
It’s an embarrassment of riches. Decide which form of CBD is best for you. The only true way to do that is some trial and error. For many people, liquids that come in little bottles with eye droppers are a good way to start. Others may prefer edibles or vaping.
Everyone’s metabolism is different and not everyone will absorb, digest, or metabolize CBD in the same way. Fortunately, experimenting with different forms of CBD is generally safe.
2. Start with the Smallest Dose
Whatever the form, it’s best to start with the lowest recommended dose to see if that works for you. The dose can be gradually increased based on one’s experience with the effects. Starting with a low dose will help determine if you have any allergies or negative reactions to CBD, but such negative reactions are extremely rare.
However, it is important to note that FDA reports that CBD could interact with prescription drugs. Thus, it’s important to check with your doctor if you are currently taking prescribed medications.
3. Combine CBD with Regular Brain Workouts
Just as people trying to lose weight combine both dieting and exercise, those seeking to improve their memory and cognition should combine a CBD supplement with other brain-healthy habits. One example is to exercise the brain by challenging it daily with things like Sudoku, crossword puzzles, memory games, and more. Another important factor is to get at least seven hours of sleep per night. The National Sleep Foundation says lack of sleep contributes significantly to poor memory.
A host of other healthy lifestyle choices can also boost the effect of CBD, from avoiding alcohol to taking up a rigorous exercise routine, such as jogging, yoga, or working out in a health club.