It’s rarely an easy decision to place a loved one in a nursing home facility. If, however, they have reached a point in life where they require round-the-clock care, a higher quality of care than family or friends are reasonably able to provide, then you want to trust your decision will ensure them a better level of safety and comfort.
Sadly, such decisions don’t always turn out for the best. Sometimes those same loved ones end up being neglected or abused in nursing home facilities. They may suffer any number of physical or mental setbacks due to medical error, inadequate care, or negligence. In some cases, a lack of proper care may even result in an untimely, wrongful death.
It’s not always easy to determine if a loved one is on the receiving end of intentional, inadequate care or if they are the victim of negligence, but there are some clear, essential signs that it may be the case. Here are three of the most common signs that often lead to wrongful death lawsuits.
1- Medication Mistakes
If you visit a busy nursing home, it’s pretty much a given you will see a registered nurse or other licensed medical staff with a cart full of medications going from room to room administering to residents. Preparing the proper dosages and keeping adequate records is all part of a full-time job, and any number of errors can occur. These might include administering the wrong medication or dose to a resident, giving it to them at the wrong time of day or incorrectly documenting when the medication was given. It can lead to a whole host of health issues–including untimely death.
2- Infections Due to Bedsores
One of the challenges in caring for nursing home residents is that many are confined to their beds or in wheelchairs. Unfortunately, prolonged periods of time in a sitting or lying position puts undo pressure on the skin, which unaddressed, can lead to bedsores. This can cause an increased risk of infections that can lead to sepsis, amputations, and even death. Frequently changing the position of a patient and keeping their skin clean is an absolute necessity to prevent bedsores. Unfortunately, sometimes nursing home staff neglect to properly care for such residents, ignoring their discomfort and overall general health.
3- Elder Abuse
If you observe unexplained injuries on a loved one who resides in a nursing home, it may be a red flag that they are being abused. Yes, the skin’s natural aging process does make elderly people more susceptible to scrapes, cuts, and bruises, but if your loved one appears to be experiencing these injuries too frequently, if they’re reluctant to talk about how they sustained their injuries or if they seem fearful of certain caregivers, it could be a sign that something seriously underhanded is happening. Be vigilant. No one wants to look back with regret after an untimely death and wonder if they should have seen and acted on the warning signs.
Of course, if you have lost a loved one due to a wrongful death in a nursing home, no lawsuit, no matter how successful can replace them. But it can provide closure and help to pay for final expenses. Additionally, when a skilled, experienced law firm holds such a facility financially accountable, they have a strong incentive to update and improve their care practices. There is some comfort in knowing you’ve helped to ensure such errors are not repeated.